Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I am ALIVE - juggling with so many things

These few weeks have been quite hectic. Although the work load at the office is not as demanding as few months back (well actually it is kind of slow). It is my "moonlight" activities which drives me up and down, inside out. However they are really interesting, something that I am always excited and could wait to work on them.

Things I have been juggling for the pass few weeks:
  1. Of course, drawing with Flash, I started I think sometime one or two months ago. I had postponed for few days, since I have been busy with the other stuffs. This has to be the number one priority. So last night I picked up where I left it. Two on going drawings are on their way. To see my work visit http://vectorhouse.blogspot.com
  2. Business proposal, well I am trying to get a partnership with someone. She is a good artist. Hopefully it will work out smoothly.
  3. Book drive for Chemical Engineering Department ITB. Well, I have sent out several e-mails to my friends (this is considered extraordinary, I hardly sent e-mails). The alumni has a goal to support chemical engineering library in ITB. So far, There are five persons (including me) who willing to contribute (fund, books, time, ideas). So far we have ordered/collected 10 books. We have 10 millions rupiah in fund contribution commitment annually. (Really, it is not a bad start, since it only started last week). It is still a long way to go to reach 1,000 books within five years. Stretching, fun..... I can't put this away from my mind.
  4. My transfer process. I sent out e-mail about two weeks ago requesting to be transferred to Singapore. Hopefully this too will work out smoothly. So far I have not heard any news from human resource department.

Great.... I really love pushing myself. I have a great partner, whom I can always run to when I am tired, who I can always count on for support. My mood sometimes can be really bad when things are not working out at the office, but she always know how to settle me down. Love you Mei.

I put all of these in God hands, I know I am alone will never make it, Let His will be done.

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